Great Bear Cider

Created in partnership with Lillooet Cider Company, Great Bear Cider is the first of its kind in BC.

Made from fresh, heritage apples and pears hand picked in the Bella Coola Valley, this vegan, gluten-free and unfiltered cider not only tastes delicious but makes a difference.

All proceeds from sales go back into the BCFA's Community Harvest program strengthening our local food security and reducing local human-bear conflict incidence. 

Unmanaged and unsecured fruit trees are the single biggest driver of human-bear conflict in the Bella Coola Valley. Bears accessing this fruit can become habituated and dangerous, which has historically resulted in the preventable deaths of many bears. By removing fruit once it is ripe, or securing trees with temporary electric fencing until fruit ripens, the BCFA's Community Harvest program is directly preventing conflict incidence and increasing human-bear coexistence.